Lately I've been getting a few PMs asking about where to download Element. We've been linking most of you to the last public release, but more recently to the latest closed beta. This has some of you confused; the older version will not allow you to connect to the server, and the newer one brings up an empty server list when you click "join session." This is because we are currently in the testing phase of development for Beta 5; there usually won't be any servers available. If you want to play, you have a couple options:
-Simply play "Single Play," the newer closed betas allow you to save your profile offline.
-Hop onto the IRC and get info from the other members about the next closed beta test.
You'll find a link to the IRC in the navigation bar. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, it's that blue bar under the logo at the top of your screen. Here's a link, just in case: note if you are using the embedded flash client to click the "Idlers" tab at the right of the screen to see who's on. If you ask a question and don't get a reply, please be patient; we may be online but we typically don't have the IRC visible on our screens, so it may take us a few minutes to get around to seeing your message. If you want to speed things up a bit, try saying the usernames of any staff members who are currently online; (or idle) it sends us an alert with sound and everything, so we'll know to check it if we're at the computer.
Anyway, if you want to play the game, here is the newest closed beta. Keep in mind that although it's the latest one available to the public right now; it may become obsolete by tonight, so don't try to play online as you may encounter glitches and errors. (Use "Single Play".) You'll also need an account on
Reflect Games to play this version. If you have already played a closed beta version before, make sure you copy and paste your savefile folder into the new version's folder. Enjoy. if anyone's curious as to what we're doing for the next closed beta, I've fixed some major bugs, and I'm working on PvP right now. If I finish PvP ahead of schedule, I may attempt to add a new boss. I also plan to add the Swamp to the world map soon, whether it will be done in time I cannot say, however.